Over $125,000,000
paid to clients in 5 years!

Our fee is 33% and if we don’t win, you owe us NOTHING!

Over $125,000,000
paid to clients in 5 years!

Our fee is 33% and if we don’t win, you owe us NOTHING!

Injury Attorneys
thousands helped, millions paid

McCormick Law, an injury law firm w$

Experience Matters

McCormick Law, an Accident Law Firm

4-6 Months

Our average time frame to settle a case

24 Hours

See an MD tomorrow!


Experienced Attorneys Licensed in Multiple States Ready to Help.

Policy Limits

Our only demand to insurance companies is Policy Limits.

W. Cagney McCormick and his 30 + attorneys have a reputation for being the most aggressive injury firm because they don’t back down.McCormick Law, an accident law firm

They are not afraid to take the difficult case and take the case to trial.  Mr. McCormick is licensed in 11 states and has one of the largest investigative teams in the nation. 

Our early success in 2023 is already taking the industry over. In 2023, we have reached $15,000,000 + settlement for a client and put over $10,000,000 in her pocket in less than 18 months. Then the following month we settled a work accident case for over $4,000,000.

WHO PAYS FOR TREATMENT? McCormick Law, an accident law firm

You did nothing wrong in an accident and you are not required under state law to pay for your medical treatment upfront. Our doctors will bill the insurance company or at fault party directly so you don’t have to spend your hard earned cash on co-payments, deductibles or upfront charges.

Then our investigation starts, we will get the police report, officer body cameras, witness statements and photos of your injuries and property damage. We can meet with you in person or you can sign up electronically so we can start this process faster.

HOW DO WE GET YOU MORE? McCormick Law, an accident law firm

We have a three step approach to get you the largest settlement possible.

1. Investigate: We will do more than any firm to get the facts necessary to guarantee a settlement and liability decision.

2. Medical Development: You have no case unless you seek proper care. We will get you that treatment with no upfront cost, deductibles or prepayments.

3. Negotiate EVERYTHING: Your pain and suffering portion of the settlement needs to be negotiated to the highest degree.

Our insider knowledge of the insurance industry can help you fight the claims process to obtain POLICY LIMIT compensation.

WHO ARE OUR DOCTORS? McCormick Law, an accident law firm

We have over a network of 75 chiropractors in every corner of Georgia waiting to see you and even pick you up. In the larger cities, we have medical doctors who specialize in surgery and pain management ready to schedule you with no cost upfront.

If you live far from a big city, we will pay for your travel and hotel to get you the consultations to prove your pain and suffering.

If your injury requires you to see a specialize that is not available in Georgia, we will fly you to that doctor anywhere in the country. The only way to get you #Policylimits, is to be aggressive in getting you the medical care that you need.

McCormick Law, an accident law firm

accident law firm

Macon Office

830 High Street
Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 974-1242

Atlanta Office

100 Hartsfield Center Parkway Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30354
Phone: (470) 333-4444

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